Methods of cooking depends on content of different vegetables, weather, nature of fuel and personal likes and dislikes. For getting proper nutrition, correct method of cooking is needed. Nutritive value of foods is wasted by long cooking time but taste, color and flavor of foods are improved and foods are easily digested by correct methods of cooking.
Different methods of cooking (poaching,frying, sauteing etc.)
Different methods of cooking

Vegetables are the most important meal in our daily menu. Vegetables contain large amount of vitamins and minerals so we include the vegetables in our daily menu. But most of the people do not cook in a correct way. The result is lost of nutrients. So we should know how to cook vegetables to prevent this loss.

Vegetables are mainly 3 types –                           

a) Green leafy vegetables b) Other vegetables c) Roots and tubers

The main enemies of 3 types of vegetables are respectively oxygen, light, heat and soda.

Aromatic ingredients improve the flavor, texture; taste and shelf life of food are called spices and herbs.
Spices are usually dried part of plants such as roots, seeds bark. These are used whole, crushed or powdered form.
Herbs are usually the green part of the plants such as fresh leaves, stems or flowers. 


Many aetiological factors can lead to PEM:

  1. Economical factors-

Poor economic conditions decrease the food purchasing power. People fail to get basic amount of food. It can cause the failure of growth and development which leads to PEM.
  1. Socio culture factors-

                 Socio culture factors are the main cause of PEM. Low availability of food      leads to PEM.                                                   
  • Ignorance:-
Ignorance and illiteracy are observed mainly in developing countries. Illiterate people don’t know about the correct and nutritious food. So, it can lead to PEM.
Gout is a type of arthritis which is occurred due to the defective metabolism of purine. The result is level of uric acid is increased in the blood that causes the deposition of sodium salt of uric acid in the joint of bones especially in the heel, the middle part of toes, knee, wrist etc. Gout is historically known as ‘the disease of king’ or ‘rich man’s disease’. It is mainly seen in middle age and old age woman and man. Gout attacks women mainly usually after their menopause.
      Gout affected bone

Many people use the term ‘OBESITY’ and ‘OVERWEIGHT’ interchangeably. But these two words are not same. If someone’s weight is 10% - 20 % more than his or her ideal body weight, it is called overweight and 20% or its more, called obesity. In one sentence obesity is defined as a condition in which there is an accumulation of body fat in excessive proportion to total body mass.
  Weight measuring machine and measuring tape.assess obesity
Weight measuring machine and measuring tape

We can assess obesity by different methods:
