A healthy person’s evacuation frequency depends on his or her personal habit.
Constipation is a non-communicable disease frequently noted in our community. Hard stool formation with low frequency known as ‘Constipation'. Constipation may lead to various symptoms-
pimple ( constipation symptom)
  • Headache
  • Giddiness
  • Foul breath
  • Unclean tongue
  • Lack of appetite
  • Feeling of uneasiness
  • Various skin problems
  • Nausea
  • Sleeplessness





Constipation may be occur due to some reasons such as improper time of food intake, lack of manual labor, lack of proper rest, lack of evacuation habit on time. Apart from this intake of junk food, intake of less amount of water and intake of low fibre rich foods also can be the reason of constipation. Loneliness, mental pressure, inquietude can cause constipation. At the old age and during sickness, there is seen brawn becomes weak which are situated in the wall of large intestine and so stool discharge becomes slow and the result is constipation. Consuming of laxatives for long time is the responsible for constipation. Besides this, nerve problem and fast modern life style are also liable for constipation. In case of pregnant woman, a pressure of uterus is created on the colon and it may lead to constipation. Most of the parents give training the children about evacuation and urination and it may create mental depression on children and it may cause constipation. Lack of vitamin ‘B’ group can cause constipation. Sometimes the function of intestinal muscles is obstructed due to lack of potassium and magnesium and it can cause constipation.


The main treatment is to follow a healthy diet and some good habits. The most important thing is to do exercise daily. Here some tips which should be followed-
  • Evacuate on time daily and avoid poor bowel habits. Regular toilet training among children is very important. Most persons’ bowel comes at the same time in everyday. It is convenient to prevent constipation.
  • Do exercise daily and do manual labor.
  • You should include in your daily diet cellulose enriched foods such as bread (prepared from whole grain wheat flour), vegetables, roots and tubers, nuts, fruits, date etc.
  • To treat constipation some fruits are very effective like brambles, figs, prunes, guava, banana etc.
  • Avoid sweets, cake, bread (prepared from refined flour), polish rice etc.
  • Moderate amount of fat should be eaten. Fat can be obtained by taking cream, butter, salad oil.
  • Adequate amount of water should be intake.
  • Bran is very effective to treat constipation. You can eat it before sleeping at night or early morning with water or milk.
  • Add salad in your diet. Salad should be taken with lunch.
  • Fruit juice (prepared from fresh fruit), vegetable stew and soup are very helpful preventive measures to cure constipation. Electrolyte and water are obtained by these types of foods.


Diet has the greatest importance in the treatment of constipation. The diet depends on patient’s age, gender and life style. So intake of calorie should be depended on these things. Protein should be given 1gm/ kg IBW. Fat should be given in moderate amount. High fibre rich foods should be eaten. If you take high fibre rich foods, there is seen a lack of some vitamins and minerals. So to prevent this lack you can consume a multivitamin and multimineral tablet. 

Importance of fibre in the treatment of constipation:  

  • Required amount of dietary fibre plays an important role to prevent constipation. Dietary fibre holds maximum amount of water in our large intestine or colon and by this semisolid stool is formed.
  • Dietary fibre also helps in enhancing the gastric motility (contraction of smooth muscles of the stomach) and by this fecal material would be translocated from colon to rectum very quickly and that helps in evacuation in an easy way.
  • Dietary fibre stimulates the stretch receptors which are present along the wall of the rectum and there after a neural reflex is started and that helps in evacuation. As a result constipation is prevented.


To prevent constipation a certain amount of exercise is necessary for everyone especially who does not obtain sufficient muscular exertion from his or her day’s work. House work in a small house except washing, or strenuous cleaning is not sufficient for many women. Besides this many men and women involve in sitting work. So, they need a brisk walk as well. The main object of the exercise is to stimulate the work of liver and it helps in producing enough bile and sends it into the intestine. That bile helps to digest foods. In this way exercise prevents constipation.
Besides daily exercise and healthy diet, to treat constipation some simple aperients is also needed but do not use these aperients for long time. So before taking any aperients, consult with doctor.
constipation exercise
constipation exercise

Fibre rich foods:

Barley, oats, Bengal gram, black gram, rajmah, green vegetables, Fruits such as guava, figs, pomegranate, passion fruit, wood apple etc. Many spices and herbs especially green chillies, cardamom, cumin seeds, coriander, mango powder, black pepper, nutmeg etc. But these spices and herbs use as a small amount as it contains large amount of fat. 

Foods can be taken:

Coffee with milk, bread and butter, honey, gingerbread, thin broth, strained vegetable soup, boiled egg, light fish, white meat (good in roast form), green vegetables and fruits.

Foods should be avoided:

Chocolate, cocoa, polish rice, tea, spices, shell fish, smoked or salt meat, red wine, liqueurs.


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