Eating habit is an important issue in our daily life which widely affects our health. Family, society, culture, religious beliefs influence our eating habit. But right information about food helps in building healthy eating habit. On the contrary wrong information about food is responsible for bad eating habit. Fast life, eating junk food causes epidemic disease such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease. Besides these production of food and supply of food can affect the eating habit. Environment, personal like-dislike, economical condition also affect the eating habit.

Different types of discrimination and habits about foods are common among people. Among these habits, some are healthy for health and some are only misconceptions about foods. In developing countries misconception about foods is the reason of malnutrition.
Some people think that fish, meat, peas, oil seed create heat inside the body. So, these foods can cause of skin disease such as abscess. On the contrary some people think fruit, onion, milk decrease the heat of body so these foods can cause of cold, cough, and sore throat. Another misconception is if a pregnant woman eats soil, it is a sign of a healthy baby in the womb.

Other misconceptions:

  • Garlic increases the breast milk of a pregnant woman.
  • The color of beet is red so it produces blood in the body.
  • Eating guava and cucumber without salt is bad for health.
  • Milk is not needed for adult.
  • Sago is the nutritious food.
  • Oil and ghee is not the reason of obesity.
  • Raw bread contains more calorie value than toast.
  • Drinking more water can causes obesity.
  • Eating curd is the reason of cold. So, curd should not be eaten at night.
  • Eating ripe papaya can cause abortion.
  • Better to eat two times heavy meal than eat four times a day.
  • Egg white contains no nutrients; only egg yolk is good for health.

Religious beliefs and Culture:

The eating habit of people of all country is controlled by religious beliefs. Some Hindus do not eat non-vegetarian food. Mohammedan does not eat pig and Hindus do not eat flesh of cow. Jain does not eat anything after sunset.

Build good habit about food: 

healthy eating habit
Eating food


The proper time of building a good habit about food is childhood. Mother should feed the baby healthy food which contain right portion of all nutrients. Thus baby will realize the importance of nutritious foods from childhood. Adolescence is the essential period of our life. This time adolescent needs the proper healthy foods but they prone to fast food. To feed babies healthy food mother have to gain knowledge about nutrition. But nowadays it is very difficult to get fresh foods because of adulteration. All should be careful about adulterated food.

Some tips to build healthy eating habit:

  •  Eat fresh and clean foods. Cleanliness is the first way to build a healthy eating habit.
  • Maintain a proper time for eating.
  • Chew the food properly. It may take time but it is healthy eating habit. This habit should be started from early childhood. Slowly eating helps in secretion of digestive juice and this juice helps to digest foods.
  • Avoid drinking water with meals because digestive juice can be diluted by drinking water and it delay digestion process.
  • Eat small quantity of food at short interval. It is the ideal principle of healthy eating habit.
  • Complete dinner early and keep awake minimum 3 hours after dinner. It is healthy for health.

Right knowledge or wrong information about foods, afraid of food or satisfaction of foods different facts are the responsible for building  eating habit. It can be healthy habit or bad habit.
Note that if you build a healthy eating habit, you will possess of healthy health and it helps you live longer.


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