Goiter enlargement of thyroid gland
Enlargement of thyroid gland

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is one of the ductless glands and this gland lies in the neck in front of windpipe it looks like butterfly. In many countries it can be cured by food and drinking water but there are still it is a big problem in many countries like America, Asia and Africa. A temporary enlargement of the thyroid gland is usual in females during menstrual period and pregnancy. So this temporary enlargement does not indicate that it is goiter. But study proved that goiter is more common in women than men.

Peptic ulcer is a general disorder. Ulcer is formed in the gastrointestinal tract where gastric juice comes in direct contact with mucous membrane. This type of ulcer usually occurs in the first part of the duodenum and stomach. In some cases ulcer occurs in the lower part of esophagus. Peptic ulcer is called as ‘a disease due to hurry, Worry and curry’ because this disease is seen among them who are always in tension and who work very hurriedly. Besides this, low intake of protein and high intake of spicy food causes ulcer.


There are mainly two types of ulcer –

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus named Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacillus contains in the air and enters into the body through respiration. Bacillus of tuberculosis contains in most of the human body but all are not affected by this bacillus because of strong immunity power. Mainly this bacillus affects the lung. Besides this it may affect other organs such as kidney, bones and ovary. 

The word anemia comes from the two Greek words. A, not, haima, blood; which means anemia is the lack of blood or bloodlessness in the body.
Anemia affected people are found more in most developing countries such as India than developed countries.
Anemia is the deficiency of blood in the body or deficiency of a number of red blood cells in the blood or of the red coloring matter (hemoglobin) of the blood.

Food is the basic need of our life. So it should be nutritious and pure. But we cannot get proper nutrition from daily foods because of adulterated food. Nowadays it increases widely though the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) was passed in 1954 on 29th September and it came into force in 1955 on 1st June. According to PFA Act, food adulteration is –
Eating habit is an important issue in our daily life which widely affects our health. Family, society, culture, religious beliefs influence our eating habit. But right information about food helps in building healthy eating habit. On the contrary wrong information about food is responsible for bad eating habit. Fast life, eating junk food causes epidemic disease such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease. Besides these production of food and supply of food can affect the eating habit. Environment, personal like-dislike, economical condition also affect the eating habit.
