Potassium food list 
field beans, oalcopi, radish pink, mango Green, ridge groud, snake groud,French beans, tomato green, broccoli, apple, guava, jamrul, orange, papaya ripe, pears, pineapple,rose apple
low potassium food


Bottle gourd, broad beans, cucumber, field beans, oalcopi, radish pink, mango Green, ridge gourd, snake gourd,French beans, tomato green, broccoli, apple, guava, jamrul (rose apple), orange, papaya ripe, pears, pineapple.

Benefits Of Breastfeeding To Formula Feeding

Many studies have proved that breast milk has essential elements which are helpful for prevention of many diseases in new born child. So, breast milk is the best food for children.

After birth of infants first six months breast milk should be given. It is light liquid. So, it is easy to digest.

Breast-Feeding, Motherhood, Mother,Advantages of Breast-Feeding,


After leaving the habit of breastfeeding some diseases have been shown due to the deficiency of protein and calorie among the children and preschool children. If children’s weight decreases, there must be the protein deficiency. When children’s weight decreases 25%., it is called grade I malnutrition. When weight decreases 26 – 40 %, it is called grade II malnutrition.. When weight decreases greater than 40 %, it is called grade III malnutrition.

Kwashiorkor and marasmus:

Kwashiorkor and marasmus are the diseases which are the result of PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition).
Starved gir kwashiorkor symptoms
Starved girl

Ageing of the human face and physiological changes during old age.
Ageing of the human face

Now days the number of older person has increased because of modern health technology. Old age starts from 60 years. Usually at the age of 60 years, retirement is occurred. Ageing depends on heredity and environmental condition, nutrition and health condition of person. Many persons lead a healthy life style like a young person at the age of 80 years. On the contrary many persons seem to be weak at the age of 60 years. So, proper nutrition is needed for a geriatric person to lead a free

Everyone should know that neonatal jaundice is different from adult jaundice. It does not occur because of liver failure. It occurs due to the presence of high bilirubin in blood and babies have immature liver so their immature liver has no power to survive from it.

If newborn babies suffer from jaundice, they should be given medical care because it can cause death sometimes.
Jaundice in newborn

Sepsis is a life threatening bacterial infection of the blood. It is also the result of organ dysfunction and tissues injury. Sepsis requires treatment with antibiotics, oxygen and intravenous fluids.

If sepsis is left untreated, it develops septic shock, a serious condition where blood pressure is dropped. Many other complications are noted such as rapid heart rates, low urine volume, mental confusion etc.


Jaundice is not a disease. It is a symptom of liver disease. Nowadays liver problem is increasing day by day due to unhealthy life style. Thousand numbers of studies have proved that many people died for jaundice. So, we have to be careful about jaundice and so, at first we should know some basic ideas about liver.

Polycystic kidney disease is a condition where many cysts develop in the kidneys. Autosomal polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is most common. It is hereditary disorder caused by a single gene inherited from one parent. ADPKD is the result of mutation in one gene of two principal genes called PKD1 on chromosome 16 or PKD2. ADPKD usually develops in adulthood (between the ages of 30 to 50)
polycystic kidney disease
polycystic kidney disease


In 1929 doctor Henrik Dam first observed for body to coagulate blood. So, he discovered a vitamin and gave a name ‘vitamin K’ it is called coagulation vitamin ( in European language Koagulation) because it has ability  to coagulate blood. Vitamin k is a fat soluble vitamin. It includes two vitamers vitamin k1( Phylloquinone) and vitamin K2( Menaquinone). Vitamin k1 is made by plants sources and vitamin k2 is made by animal sources. Besides these, there is a synthetic vitamin k3 menadione.


Hemodialysis is done in hospital and it takes much time to remove waste and fluids from your blood by the artificial kidneys. Usually hemodialysis treatment takes four hours and it is done 1 time or 2 times or 3 times per week. It is based on the patient’s condition.

These type of patients need to limit their diet and the requirement of carbohydrate, fat, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, uric acid and fluid is same as the chronic renal failure patient. But protein requirement is not the same as chronic renal failure patient.

Dialysis patients require high amount of protein because through the dialysis process protein is lost from the body. It can cause muscle wasting and patient suffers from malnutrition. In this case a renal dietitian can help through proper diet.
protein rich foods need for dialysis patient
protein rich foods

Healthy kidneys help us to live healthy. So, we should maintain a proper diet. But if anyone suffering from kidney disease, he or she should strictly maintain a renal diet with medicines. Medicine is not the only way for preventing kidney disease from further damage. A good renal diet is also very important for the patients. So here some basic nutritional advices for chronic renal failure patients but they are not on dialysis.

Kidney disease and renal failure is an epidemic of recent time not only in our country but also throughout the world. If kidney disease is not addressed in right time, this would ultimately progress to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). It is not possible to provide advanced kidney disease care to all the people who are suffering from kidney disease. India is known to be diabetic capital of the world and 4th in place for hypertension. These are considered as the two major causes of kidney disease.

There are few nephrologists but day by day kidney disease is increasing rapidly. So, prevention of kidney disease is not so easy.

Therefore, we should know some basic knowledge about kidneys and its function and some tips to keep kidney healthy.


Kidneys are bean shaped excretory organ located just below the rib cage. We have two kidneys and both work simultaneously to remove toxins out of the body.
