After leaving the habit of breastfeeding some diseases have been shown due to the deficiency of protein and calorie among the children and preschool children. If children’s weight decreases, there must be the protein deficiency. When children’s weight decreases 25%., it is called grade I malnutrition. When weight decreases 26 – 40 %, it is called grade II malnutrition.. When weight decreases greater than 40 %, it is called grade III malnutrition.

Kwashiorkor and marasmus:

Kwashiorkor and marasmus are the diseases which are the result of PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition).
Starved gir kwashiorkor symptoms
Starved girl


The main reason of death of the Indian Children is PEM. Malnutrition from childhood affects on body and mind of children. Its bad effects are seen in adulthood.

PEM is seen mainly in India and other developing countries because children of these countries are mostly poor. These poor children eat those foods which are deficient in protein, calorie, vitamins and minerals.

The disease kwashiorkor name was given by African dwellers of golden region. Kwashiorkor means ‘Sickness of the deposed child’ or ‘Disease the elder child gets when of the younger child is born’. It is seen in the children ( 1-4 years).


i) Constant features

ii) Usual features

iii) Occasional features

i) Constant features:

Here is seen the psychological and physiological changes-

The child is always fretful. He or she is very apathetic about the environment. She looks very upset and he or she loses his or her appetite.

Weight loss:

Their weight cannot be properly increased with age. There is seen lack of amino acid in food.

Muscle wasting:

Muscle wasting is a common problem of PEM. Muscle is wasting gradually due to lack of protein. Muscle wasting examine is done by bangles in children.


Oedema is seen. There is seen water accumulation in feet, legs, hands, face. This is occurred due to the reduction of serum, albumin level or high level of sodium and low level of potassium is also can cause oedema. When ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone) does not work properly, urine does not pass properly. The result is oedema.


Hair becomes thin, dry and easily pluckable.


The complexion of skin becomes dry.


Face becomes round like full moon.


Digestion problem occurs. The result is stomach pain, diarrhea.

Fatty liver:
Fat is stored in liver and it slightly swells.

Lack of vitamin:
Night blindness, xerosthalamia, keratomalacia are seen due to lack of vitamin A. Angular stomatitis and glossitis are observed due to the deficiency of Riboflavin.


Marasmus is observed in children who are greater than 1 year. After 6 months, infant’s nutritional requirement is not fulfilled by breast milk and then weaning food is needed. If child does not get weaning food properly at this time, the signs and symptoms of marasmus are observed in child. Kwashiorkor mainly occurs due to the deficiency of protein. But marasmus occurs due to the deficiency of both nutrients protein and calorie. If child suffers from diarrhea and measles, the symptoms of marasmus are appeared soon.

Signs and symptoms:

· Severe growth retardation.

· Loss of weight.

· Severe mental retardation.

· Muscle wasting.

· Wrinkled skin

· Dry face. Face looks like monkey.

· Dehydration due to watery diarrhea.

· Anemia.

· Eye problem due to the deficiency of vitamin A.

· Acidic stools.

· Dry hair.

· Temperature is subnormal.

· Shrivelled body.

· Aphonia.

· Feeling hungry.

· Large eyed.

Difference between marasmus and kwashiorkor:



It is the disease due to the deficiency of calorie and protein. It is observed in children aged 6 months to 1 year.
It is the disease due to the deficiency of protein. It is observed in children aged 1 year to 4 year.
Weight loss is severe.
Weight loss is moderate.
In Greek language marasmus means to waste. Severe muscle wasting is obsereved.
In African language kwashiorkor means sickness of the deposed child.
Marasmic child’s face looks like monkey. Wrinkled skin and peristaltic movement are observed.
Kwashiorkor child’s face looks like moon. Edema is seen. Belly looks like pot.
It is the disease where is seen the deficiency of protein and also calorie.

After long breastfeeding, carbohydrate rich foods are given to the child. Child does not get weaning foods properly. Calorie requirement is fulfilled from the food but there is seen the deficiency of protein.
Child becomes fretful. He or she is affected by aphonia. Child is always hungry. Mental changes are seen but not severely.
Child becomes apathetic. He or she is affected by anorexia. Mental changes are seen severely.
Digestion problem is occurred. Dehydration, acidic stools, watery diarrhoea is observed.
Stomach pain is observed but acidic, concentrated stools are observed.
 Slightly colour changing of hair and skin are observed.
Skin is dull. Hair is easily pluckable, thin. Hair becomes reddish in colour. Many times colour of the body is permanently changed.
Large eyed is seen.
Not seen like this.
Oedema is not present.
Oedema is present due to the deficiency of protein.
There is a chance of getting well soon.
The chance is less in kwashiorkor.

Marasmic kwashiorkor:

Sometimes, both features of marasmus and kwashiorkor are observed in child due to the dietary deficiency and also social factors are responsible for the disease. If kwashiorkor child is affected by diarrhea and anorexia, and then the result is the marasmic kwashiorkor.


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