Polycystic kidney disease is a condition where many cysts develop in the kidneys. Autosomal polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is most common. It is hereditary disorder caused by a single gene inherited from one parent. ADPKD is the result of mutation in one gene of two principal genes called PKD1 on chromosome 16 or PKD2. ADPKD usually develops in adulthood (between the ages of 30 to 50)
polycystic kidney disease
polycystic kidney disease


Pain in the abdomen

High blood pressure (hypertension)

Haematuria ( blood in urine)

Kidney stones

UTIs (urinary tract infections)

Treatment of ADPKD:

There is no cure for ADPKD and no treatment which will prevent this problem totally. But there are some treatments that will help to make less intense the damage of the kidneys. So, you should maintain a healthy life style which is very important for ADPKD patients. The first important remedy is-

i) Salt intake:
Reducing salt intake in daily diet helps to control high blood pressure which causes the damage of the kidney. You can monitor your blood pressure regularly at home. Besides this, you should take (blood pressure) control medicine regularly which is prescribed by your nephrologist.

ii) Smoking:

You should stop smoking. Smoking can harmful for kidneys. Smoking is the another cause of developing cyst quickly.

iii) Diet:
The goal of diet is to prevent cysts from growing in size. ADPKD patient is advised to take low protein diet, 0.8 gm/kg/IBW/day. Fat intake should be 15-20 gm/day. ADPKD patient should avoid intake of oxalic acid rich foods like spinach, beets, cocoa, egg plants and chocolate etc. Soya protein slow the progression of ADPKD. So, you should maintain a healthy diet.

iv) Water:
It is very important to drink water regularly. Drinking plenty of water is good for ADPKD patients because by drinking water cysts can be cleared.

ADPKD patients need to drink more water especially at night. It helps to clear cysts. In our nephron structure, water is reabsorbed more in proximal tubule and less ( is not reabsorbed in proximal tubule) in distal convoluted tubule. There is a hormone, ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone – Arginine, vassopressin) which helps to hold the body water. This hormone acts on distal convoluted tubule. So, usually we do not feel urination at night as we feel in the day time. Our bodies tissues swell when we drink water more or there is build up water in the body. When our body tissues are swell, decrease the osmolarity. There is a relation between osmolarity and ADH. So, when osmolarity decreases the secretion of ADH hormone also decreases (these hormones secret from the posterior pituitary gland). Besides this, if there patient’s brain is damaged by any reason; there is also decrease the secretion of ADH hormone caused by the brain damaged. It hampers the secretion of ADH. Then the actions of ADH decrease on distal convoluted tubule. So, ADH cannot hold the water. Then we drink water cysts are cleared through urine.

v) Pain killer:

If you feel pain sometimes many patients take pain killer to relief from severe pain. But you should consult with your nephrologist before taking. Many pain killers harm the kidneys like Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac etc. so, beware of NSAIDs (Non-Steriodal Anti- Inflammatory)drugs.


It is good to do exercise regularly as it is healthy for health. So, maintain a perfect body weight with height is very important for PKD patients. You can walk regularly for 30 minutes. And do some free hand exercises. It is helpful for preventing weight gain and controlling body weight.

Vitamin k prevents the cardiovascular disease. If there is lack of vitamin k, osteocalcin cannot bind calcium. So, there is no chance of formation of bones. So, the result is bones become damage and free calcium deposits in the arteries and damage the heart.


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