Benefits Of Breastfeeding To Formula Feeding

Many studies have proved that breast milk has essential elements which are helpful for prevention of many diseases in new born child. So, breast milk is the best food for children.

After birth of infants first six months breast milk should be given. It is light liquid. So, it is easy to digest.

Breast-Feeding, Motherhood, Mother,Advantages of Breast-Feeding,


Colostrum: After delivery one type of yellowish sticky element is secreted in small amount from mother breast for first few days. It is called colostrum. Colostrum contains more protein and less amount of fat than mature milk( breast milk). It contains large amount of amino acid known as 'Tryptophan' which is essential for brain growth of newborn. It also contains arginine . It is rich in vitamins and minerals specially it contains vitamin 'A', 'D' and B12. Besides these, it contains some diseases preventing elements which protects from many bacterial diseases like influenza, polio, mumps, etc. Vitamin A is stored in liver of body. If he or she gets colostrum. Colostrum boosts immunity and give long healthy life. 


Mature Milk:
Colostrum gradually converts into breast milk. Mature milk is rich in nutritious elements, living cells, hormone, enzyme and globulin.


Breastfeeding protects the mother. Breastfeeding reduces the prevalence of swelling of nipples, mastitis and cancer.

Breastfeeding controls the birth. Prolactin stimulates milk production, decreases the synthesis of ovarian hormone. The result is next birth occur lately

When the mother feeds the baby uterus comes back to the normal size and breastfeeding helps to stop bleeding after delivery due to the secretion of oxytocin.

During pregnancy extra energy is stored; this energy is given during breastfeeding. The result is, there is a chance of reducing extra fat of mother's body.

Breast milk is cost effective. It saves money.

It is very important to know that by breastfeeding baby feels the love and care of mother. In this time mother also get her baby closely. There is create a special bonding between mother and baby.

Breast milk gets easily and it is free from bacteria. It is digestible, fresh and stored at the right temperature.

By breastfeeding infants jaw is developed fully and teeth are less crowded.

It reduces the gastrointestinal problem. Breastfeeding lower the mortality in children.

Other animal's milk causes allergic reaction but there is no chance of allergic reaction in human milk.

Mother easily feeds the infants so it saves time.

If breastfeed babies are satisfied by breastfeeding, he or she gains weight properly. Thus mother realizes that her baby is getting milk properly.




Breastfeeding has to start within first hour after birth
Baby gets chances to take colostrum in this way.
After birth first 6 months infants should be given only breast milk.
Breast milk provides all nutritious elements first 6 months.
After 6 months baby should be given homemade food such as dahlia, khichdi and also breastfed by mother.
If mother feeds the infant other liquid or solid foods with breast milk first 6 months, it may harms the baby and baby suffers from gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea.
Breastfeeding should be continued till 2 years even you can feeds your infants after 2 years.
After 6 months baby's demand of nutrition increases and in this time only breast milk cannot meet this demand. So, in this time baby should be given others homemade food with breast milk.


After birth first 6 months breast milk is the main food of infant. like

i) When mother suffers from any chronic disease.

ii) If mother gets pregnancy for second times.

ii) Weak baby unable to suck mother nipple.

iv) Secretion of milk decreases or stops totally.

v) Mother is busy with her household work and outgoing work or mother is no more.

In this cases child should be given formula feeding. Formula feeding is two types-

a) Animal's liquid milk like cow milk, goats milk. This type of milk is called top milk.

b) Dried milk: It is given instead of human milk.


i) In human milk contains less amount of protein and more carbohydrate. But in human milk contains large amount of lactose. So, the energy is same in human milk and cow milk.

ii) Amino acids are present in human milk which is essential for body building. Taurine is amino acid present in human milk. It has important roles in growth and development of infant.

Protein known as casein present in stomach of cow, it converts into solid curd. Then it is not easy to digest but lactoalbumin present in mother's milk, converts into soft curd which is easy to digest.

In mother's milk contains enzymes which breaks the protein and converts into peptone. But at the time of pasteurisation cow milk's enzyme is destroyed.

iii) Human milk contains some essential fatty acids which are needed for development of body.

iv) Cow's milk contains 'B' complex vitamins and ascorbic acid. They are destroyed by heat. But it does not happen in case of humans milk.

v) Human milk is fresh bacteria free, safe and situated in suitable heat. Infants get his or her immunity power from antibodies of human milk. On the contrary, infant can infected from cow. Bowl, bottle can be the another way of getting infected. When you feed cow's milk you feed cow's milk the infants with the help of bottle, bowl.

vi) Mix the water with cow's milk to make like human milk. So, the cow milk can be thin or more concentrated. Under nutrition and over nutrition related problems may be seen. But human milk is free from this danger.


Disease can be spread by formula feeding especially if bottle is not washed and boiled properly.

Baby can suffer from diarrhea, breath related problems as formula milk contains no antibodies and living cells which protects from different disease.

Formula feeding is expensive. Many families unable to spend money.

Mother milk contains iron which is easy to digest but formula milk's iron is not easy to digest. The result is anemia.

Another advantages of formula feeding is there may be present large amount of salt in formula milk. It harms the baby and the result is fits of baby.

Formula feeding can cause tetani, convulsions because it contains large amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Formula feeding can cause allergy, flatulence, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.

If mother gives formula feeding before four months, it spread disease and can cause death.

Formula milk contains casein which is difficult to digest.

Formula feeding contains no lipase enzyme. So, it is difficult to digest.


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